
24 March 2022 at 18:04

Umra 2022 is set to begin in Ramadan/ April-May 2022. Are you taking part in Umra 2022?

Register with MUDI HajjUmra Services and experience:

Our full package includes

Air ticket
Madina 4 star hotel
Makka 4 star hotel
Medical services
Tawakalna education
Online and physical orientation
Business networking iftaar in Makka and Jedda.


  • Couple,
  • Aged and disabled,
  • Umra to Dubai,
  • Etc

We are ready to arrange a full package to your taste. 5 star hotel and airline of your choice etc.

Benefits of Performing Umrah in Ramadan

According to Islamic belief, those who leave home intending to perform Umrah is a pilgrim until they return; and if they die during this pilgrimage, will be rewarded with the entry to the paradise. Every year, millions of Muslims visit Makkah to seek refuge in Allah, seek forgiveness, cleanse their sins, and pray for happiness and prosperity. And as they perform the prayers together at Umrah, the congregation is truly a sight to behold.

During this spiritual journey, pilgrims leave all negativity behind and devote themselves to the service and worship of Allah. They dedicate themselves to cleanse their mind, body and soul, and become better human beings. It is believed that whoever performs Umrah with pure intentions and a heart full of gratitude, earns the highest pleasure of Allah.