29 September 2023 at 17:11
Friday 29th September,2023
By Hajj Abdel-Manan Abdel-Rahman[CEO]
Some MUDI reps with the Department of Coop Acting Registrar.
Hon. Minister,
The Acting Registrar for Co-operatives,
The Secretary-General for Ghana Co-operative Council,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to extend warm greetings of the Board of Directors of MUDI Multipurpose Co-operative Association Ltd to you all on this great day as we celebrate International Day of Co-operatives. We are honored to be partners of the apex Co-operatives body in Ghana, on this important day in the calendar of the Cooperatives movement, marking its international day which was first marked in 1923.
Dear Co-operators,
The theme for this year’s celebration, “Co-operatives for Sustainable Development” is at the very core of our Co-operatives enterprise, and it is apt within our current world economic context when humanity must embrace and embed the Co-operative principles rather than rely on governments for every aspect of development.
It is also important that we use the celebration of this day to re-echo the significance of the Co-operative enterprise and to mark the beginning of effective advocacy to spread the word about how the human-centered business model based on the Co-operative values of self-help and unity, as well as moral standards of socially, responsible, has reduced inequality and creating shared prosperity.
Dear Co-operators,
As a country, attention must be paid to the Co-operatives enterprise, especially by strengthening the Department of Cooperative with adequate resources to enable the Department to carry out its mandated function effectively across the country. While pleading with the Hon. Minister in this direction, I also call on fellow Co-operative Societies that are capable of supporting our regulatory Department in whichever ways to do so without hesitation.

We as the MUDI Multi-purpose Cooperative Association, the first ever Co-operative Association in Ghana operating on combined Co-operatives and Islamic ethical principles, and established four years ago, wish to recognize the guidance of the current Acting Registrar of Co-operatives and other Directors which has brought us this far.
MUDI is a vehicle used by Muslims and non-Muslims to promote Halal Economic Development in Ghana. As a Co-operative, we have acquired 2,200 acres of land in Atebubu Municipal Assembly and have started cultivating cashew, maize, soya beans, and rice. In the process, we have created hundreds of job opportunities for the inhabitants of that community.
We have also created platforms for Muslims who are interested in performing Hajj but cannot raise the money at one go to start making savings towards fulfilling their religious goals.
In conclusion, we wish to take this opportunity to call on Ghanaians to embrace the Co-operative concept of economic, and social development as it is the easiest way to financial inclusion, poverty reduction, and wealth creation.
As we observe the International Day of Co-operative, let us make our voices heard.
Let’s proudly show our identity and let’s make the call to the Government to support us in building the future of Ghana Together.
Happy International Day of Cooperative.